In previous episodes you’ve learned the whole structure of Facebook Ad Campaign, now let’s dig deep into the details of Ad structure. The most crucial area of Facebook Ad structure is the Facebook Ads Campaign level, and in this episode, we’ll discuss all the logistics you need to be aware of.
Ads Campaign level is basically something where all the things start. It’s the area where you choose your marketing objective while running your Social media campaign. Setting a marketing objective is necessary and crucial because it identifies the long-term goal of a user.
What is your Marketing Objective?

Every business has a goal, for instance some businesses may have a goal to expand their business or to boost their sales. Without a proper objective a person will become aware of your product but won’t be attracted enough to buy it. Facebook is running in a similar way too; you’ll be able to notify about your business towards a huge audience, but they won’t be satisfied enough to buy your product unless you set up a marketing objective.
At the time of creating the Ad campaign for Facebook, they will ask you the purpose of creating a campaign. Here, you’ll add the marketing objective of your product.
What options you’ll be having to choose Marketing Objective from?
- Brand Awareness
Brand Awareness
Brand Awareness is the first campaign of Awareness section in the Marketing Objective. Brand awareness is really important when selling a product as it will help you to reach out to the right audience.
Seth Godin is a marketer in HubSpot and has beautifully explained what a brand is as a combination of stories, relations, and expectations that merges with the consumer’s decision to purchase your product.
Facebook plays a vital role when setting the brand awareness for a particular product. You can create an ad that will help the audience to be aware of the type of product. They’ll get to know if a particular brand is important enough for them and what are the advantages of buying a specific product of the Brand and in what ways will it assist them.
The brand awareness campaign is usually used to gather the audience towards the brand, and it will increase the likes of their brand page.
Reach is another area of Awareness section in the Marketing Objective. Reach basically means spreading your message to a wider audience. Reach is really vital for those who’re growing their brand page. The more reach it will be, the better the social media ad campaign results will be. The people who have a page on a particular cause or community then they must require a huge fan following to like their page.
A reach option will display on your below your ad that will show, to how many people your ad has reached to. The more the ad is attractive and relevant, the more the reach will be. There is also an engagement option given from which you can create engagement but if your objective is the spread your ad to the maximum audience then the reach option is perfect for you.
Creating traffic is the most important area of the Consideration section of the Marketing Objective. When you create your website, you can’t expect that all of a sudden people will start viewing your website. Creating traffic is very important, and that can be done through different social platforms including Facebook. Creating Traffic is what Facebook is best at, many people are creating traffic through Facebook pages. No matter how your website is monetized, the main purpose is to bring traffic from social media networks to your website.
- Engagement
The second area of Consideration section in the Marketing Objective is about Engagement. Engagement means targeting the right audience who’ll be interested in your product. This audience will be a limited one that will be interested in your product or brand. Through the Engagement option you get reactions, comments, and shares on your post. You can target a specific audience through your ad campaign. There are many ways to target an audience for your brand, for instance if you’re creating a page for selling furniture and you’ve created some promo pics and videos showing the designs of furniture, then you can use this in different ways.
This promo pic and video can increase your post engagement, increase the likes of your Facebook page, can get responses on your event too.
- App Installs
App install
This specific option is only for a brand that has a mobile application too. This option will redirect the viewers of your page to the app from any specific store they have.
- Video Views
Video Views
Video views are another area of Consideration section in the Marketing Objective and are very similar to the Engagement option. The purpose of this option is to check how many people have seen your video and out of how many viewers actually got engaged in the video. All you have to do is create an attractive video regarding a brand or product and make it viral. If it goes viral, then a huge number of people will be engaged to your website/page.
You might be thinking that you can do this through engagement options too. Yes, through engagement option you can post all types of content including a pic or a video but video views option is just made for videos and will help you to track the traffic which came out of the video.
- Lead Generation
Lead Generation
Lead generation is the final platform of the Consideration section in the Marketing Objective and in this option, Facebook gathers all the information about the audience who’ll be interested in your brand and it reaches to them.
For instance, you’re posting something important on your website. For a viewer the article will be free to read, he just has to add his email for subscription. By gathering a number of emails, you can run an email campaign. This is how the Lead Generation campaign works.
Conversion is another area of Marketing objective and if your intention is to sell something from your website then the conversion option is perfect for you. You can only select the conversion option while running an ad campaign on Facebook if you want to sell something from that campaign.
Through conversion option, not only people will buy your products, the more people will view your website too and this will increase the traffic.
- Store Visits
Store visit
Store Visits is the final option of Marketing Objectives. This offer isn’t mainly used if you already have a shop in the real world, because the chances of people buying from your website will be very low. This option will show how man people have visited your store, and it will also increase the chances of people visiting your store physically.
Learning Outcomes
We’ve learned some amazing things through this episode. These are as follows:
- We understood what Marketing Objective actually is when it comes to the Facebook ad campaign
- We understood that there are 3 different marketing objectives that include Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.
- We understood the sub-options under these 3 main objectives.