Once your business has started and is going in the right direction, the next thing you must do is spread it to a wider audience. You need to make your product a more attractive one as compared to other similar products in the market so that the buyers give preference to your product. It is not only important to reach ordinary people, but it is important to target the right audience who’ll be interested in buying your product.
We have talked a lot about social media in the previous episodes that how it is impacting on boosting the sales of online businesses nowadays. A huge number of people are using social media on a daily basis and a survey shows that more than half of the World’s population have at least 1 active account on social media. We have also discussed the importance of Facebook in the first episode and stated some of the amazing statistics too. If you haven’t read it, you can check for our 1st episode.
We have also discussed the impact of social media on E-Commerce businesses in episode 2 and now in this episode, we’ll discuss how to prepare your first Facebook Ad Campaign.
Make your Facebook Business Page

The first step to start promoting your business through Facebook is creating your Facebook Business Page. To create a Facebook page, you must have an active Facebook Account. You can easily create a Facebook page by clicking on the create a page on the Pages section.
After you click on the create the page, you will be given 6 different categories of pages. Pick one depending upon the category of your business. For instance, if your social media campaign purpose is to promote the products of your business, then you will select the Brand category. If you run a business from a certain location and you want to promote that place, then you’ll choose the category of Local business and you’ll add a location. Choosing a suitable category and subcategory is important.
The last and most important step of the page creating process is to give a suitable name to it, a name that is matching your category and that defines your business.
Click on Get Started and your Facebook page is ready to use.
Important things to do after creating your First Facebook Page
- Choose a profile picture that attracts the audience to look into your page.
- Choose an attractive Cover photo of your choice.
- Add a suitable description of your business so that people get to know more about the purpose of this page.
- Fill all the information asked about your product.
- Add a website link to your E-Commerce business.
- Post attractive videos and pictures of your products.
Creating your adverts
Once you’ve created your Facebook Business Page and after you’re done with all the important things, you’re more than ready to create the ads to target your products to the right audience. These are some easy steps to create ads.
- Firstly, you have to click on the arrow on the right corner of the screen.
- From the options, you can select Create Ads.
- It will redirect you to Facebook Ad Manager. You’ll be amazed to see the back end of the business page u just created.
- Pick the perfect marketing objective of your business in a social media campaign.
- On the left corner, there is an option of variable advert accounts. By using this option, you can make unlimited advert accounts with a single Facebook account.
Creating ads is really simple and you’ll easily understand how to make a perfect ad. If you face any difficulty, you can click on the help section located on the right corner of your page.
Setting up your Ad Manager Account

Above this section, we’ve guided you in the process of creating ads for your product. Now let’s go through the setup of creating Ad manager Account. If you want to create a social media campaign, then you must set up your ad manager account. Ad manager settings can be accessed through the settings tab that you can find on the right corner side. The settings tab has 4 different options that you must know about.
1. Ad Accounts
In this section, you will find 3 menus. The first menu will help you to create your Ad Account by filling your personal information including Business Name, Name of Ad Account, complete address, the purpose of advertisement, and the currency in which you’ll going to pay. This window can also be used to activate and deactivate your ad account.
The 2nd menu is the Attribution one where you can track the performance of your ad including views and clicks. You can even customize the days at you want to see the performance of your ads.
Last but not the least menu is about Ad Account roles. In this menu, you can add different admins, advertisers, or analysts and you can remove them too.
2. Payment Settings
This section will help you to pay for your ads as you won’t be able to publish your ads for free. After adding your payment method, you’ll be guided with the details about the payment of the ads bill. You can easily pay for your ads campaign through any credit card or PayPal. The best part about Payment settings is that you can customize the spending limit as per your choice. Setting the limit has some advantages, your money will only be deducted from your card till the limit reaches. After the limit has reached, no money will be deducted from your card, and ads will automatically stop running.
3. Notifications
The last section of the settings tab is the notifications window. You can choose whether you want to receive Facebook and Email notifications or not. For the people who’re thinking that these are general Facebook notifications then you’re wrong. These are only the notifications relating to your ad account.
If you turn on the notifications, you will receive the updates and all the notifications regarding marketing. You can control what type of emails you want to receive and what types of emails you’re not willing to receive.
Somethings that you must avoid.

Facebook has made its policies stricter as compared to before because people were doing fraud with them. If you don’t follow the Facebook policies, there is a huge chance that Facebook can ban your ad account forever. These are some of the things that you must avoid while running our ad campaign.
- Firstly, you must avoid using words that are not up to the mark. Works that contain hate speech or slang can be reported immediately. If you use any inappropriate words, Facebook won’t approve your ad or will delete it after approving it.
- Avoid advertising the content of some illegal things including Porn, Drugs, Gambling, Hookup sites, or currency selling. If you use them, there is a high chance that your account will be banned forever.
Final Words
In this 3rd episode, we learned how to create a Facebook page. We have also gone through the setup of Creating Ads and setting up the Ad Manager Account. In Ad Manager Account we discussed the 3 major settings menus. We also identified what things we must avoid making our account safe. Facebook advertising is one of the most important techniques of digital marketing and it can help you to boost your E-Commerce sales and to promote your products. In the next episode, we’ll go through the setup of Ad Structure. Till then, Cheers!