The ultimate guide to mutual funds in Singapore

mutual funds
Image Source: India CSR Network

What are mutual funds?

They are a type of investment that pools money from different investors and uses it to buy various assets. These can be stocks, bonds, or a mix of both. The idea behind mutual funds is that by pooling resources, investors can get access to a more excellent range of investments than they could on their while also benefiting from the fund manager’s expertise.

How do mutual funds work?

When investing in a mutual fund, your money is used to buy shares in the fund. These shares represent a portion of the total value of the fund’s assets. As the fund manager buys and sells assets, the value of these shares will go up or down. 

What are the benefits of mutual funds?

Some of the key benefits of investing in mutual funds include:


By investing in a range of assets, you can reduce your risk exposure.

Professional management

A good fund manager can help you achieve better returns than you would on your own.

Low fees

Mutual funds typically have lower fees than other investments, such as individual stocks or bonds.

Why invest in mutual funds?

There are several reasons to invest in mutual funds:

Professional management

A mutual fund is managed by a professional money manager responsible for making investment decisions on behalf of all investors. It takes the guesswork out of investing and allows you to benefit from the expertise of a seasoned pro.


When you invest in a mutual fund, you buy into a diversified portfolio of assets. It reduces your risk because your money is spread across several different investments.

Access to high-quality investments

Mutual funds typically invest in high-quality, well-known stocks and bonds. It gives access to some of the best investment opportunities available.

Low fees

Mutual funds charge low fees, which can save you a lot of money over the long term.


Mutual funds are highly liquid. It means you can sell your shares at any time if you need to access your money.

How do I choose a mutual fund?

When choosing a mutual fund, there are things to consider:

The type of fund

There are many different types of mutual funds, so it’s essential to find one that matches your investment goals and risk tolerance.

The fund manager

You must research the fund manager’s track record and investment style.

The fees

Funds with higher fees tend to perform worse than those with lower fees.

What are the risks of mutual funds?

There is a risk associated with investing in mutual funds. The key is to understand the risks involved and make sure you’re comfortable with them before investing. Some of the main risks include:

Investment risk

The investment risks in mutual funds are that the value of your shares may go up or down, depending on how funds perform.

Liquidity risk 

If you need to sell your shares in a hurry, you may not get a reasonable price for them.

Credit risk

The mutual fund may invest in securities that are not rated as highly as AAA, meaning default risk.

Tax implications of mutual funds?

The tax implications of investing in mutual funds vary depending on the country you live in. In Singapore, for example, investors are typically required to pay taxes on any profits they make from selling their shares. Consult with a tax professional/broker to understand the specific tax implications of investing in mutual funds in your country.


Singapore mutual funds offer several benefits, including diversification, professional management, and low fees. However, they also involve some risks, so it’s essential to understand what these risks are before investing. When choosing a mutual fund, it’s essential to consider the fund manager’s track record, the type of fund, and the fees


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