Which CPU Should You Buy? Intel Core i5 vs i7

Which CPU Should You Buy

Today we’ll try to end the debate of Intel Core i5 vs i7 by highlighting the main features and differences between these 2 processors.

With new processors coming into the market, the i5 and i7 CPU of Intel is still the most demanded processors in the market. There are numerous options of Intel desktop PCs and Laptops in the market with different ranges, but the top-selling CPUs are Intel Core i5 and Intel Core I7.

If you want to buy a CPU with an Intel processor, there is a huge chance that you’ll face difficulty choosing between i5 and i7 and the features of both are almost the same. Both these 2 are multi-core chips with supreme power that will be easily available in any of the latest laptops or desktops. These processors will help you to get all sorts of work done.

What is an i5 Processor?

Core i5 is an amazing processor of Intel that is quite common in all the laptops and desktops of this generation. It is a mid-ranged quad or dual-core processor that is a highly powered multi-core chip. If you want to find the difference between the i5 processor and older processors, then you can simply run Adobe Photoshop or the latest game and you’ll see that it will run the same application quite efficiently as compared to older processors.


  • It provides 64 bits to run everything without any problem.
  • The CPU contains turbo technology that enhances the speed of the device.
  • Because of the high-power multi-core chip, it is capable to offer a 3.6 GHz CPU rate.


  • High voltage can harm the processor.
  • The high data visualization feature isn’t supportable in the Core i5 processor.
  • The latest and high-quality motherboard is required to run the i5 processor properly.

What is an i7 Processor?

Core i7 is the most powerful processor at this moment manufactured by Intel. The main purpose of developing this powerful multi-core chip is to perform all the tasks of high-resolution software in no time as it provides more cores and crosses the frequency level by 5GHz. You can find Core i7 processors in highly functional laptops and desktops. CPU with a Core i7 processor is best for the ones who are using it to play heavy video games or rendering 3D objects.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Supremely powered processor.
Recommended processor to run highly resolution games and video editing software
Contains high data visualization feature.
The amazing processing speed of up to 5GHz
Core i7 processor prevents the CPU from heating up.[/i2pros][i2cons]Expensive.
Demands the latest quality Motherboard with DDR3 memory.
It consumes high power.[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Intel Core i5 vs i7: What’s the Difference?

If we compare i5 vs i7 performance, then we’ll have to look at all the factors that differentiate these 2 processors. Currently, Core i5 and i7 processors are the most demanding processors in the market that people buy for general usage as well as performing tasks efficiently in high-resolution software.

There are several differences in both processors and some of the major differences are as follows:

  • Core i5 Processor is only quad-core or dual-core whereas you can find i7 in the hex-core processor too.
  • Hyper-Threading can be found in Core i7 whereas it isn’t possible in i5.
  • Core i7 lacks an embedded option while on the other side you can find the embedded option in Core i5.
  • The battery timing of Core i5 is approximately 15 hours, whereas the Core i7 battery lasts for around 11 hours. It is better as Core i7 runs powerful high-resolution software.
  • Core i5 utilizes DMI bus type, and Core i7 processor uses QPI bus type.
  • 3d editing can be done in the best graphics in the i7 processor, whereas you’ll only be able to enjoy average graphics in the i5 processor.
  • As Core i7 is a powerful processor, its CPU score is 13995 as compared to just 13179 CPU score of i5 processor.
  • The clock speed of core i7 is also superior to 1.3-3.5 GHz as compared to 1.2-3.6 GHz of i5.

With these differences, the competition of intel i5 vs i7 can be conducted to see which is a better processor.

Core i5 vs Core i7 on laptops

The question comes to mind whether Core i5 is better or i7 in laptops. It is easy to understand. Let’s suppose that we keep 2 i5 processors on 1 side and 2 i7 processors on the other side. The thread count and cores will be the same as the i7 processor as compared to the i5 ones. The only difference is the clock speed of different processors. The i7 processor will offer you around 5.0 GHz whereas on the other side the i5 processor will provide you 4.0 GHz.

Core i7 processors are expensive as compared to core i5 while both will have almost similar configurations. There are minor differences for example the cache size of i7 is 12 MB where the i5 processor will provide just 8MB. Though i7 will provide enhanced clock speed you’ve to pay a lot of money for similar features. If you are willing to spend more then you can go for the i7 11th generation as it has a range of thin laptop options that provide the best performance and has a higher clock speed while consuming the same power as the i5 processor.

At first, the mid-range processor

Core i5 vs Core i7 on Desktop

sors such as Core i5 and Core i3 lacked the feature of hyperthreading and were only found in the i7 processor. But now the 10th Generation i5 processors have included this feature and they’ve introduced Comet Lake processors for desktop. Nowadays, the latest generation i5 processors can do everything including running high-resolution video games and running heavy video editing software smoothly that even the older generation i7 processors couldn’t do. Some of the most famous i5 processors include i5-10400,10500 and 10600 that can even beat the i7 processors of the older generation. They contain 12 threads, 6 cores and can provide a clock speed of 4.8 GHz.

On the other side, the most demanding i7 processor is i7-10700 with 8 cores and 16 threads, and provides a clock speed of around 6 GHz. The 10600k overclocked i7 processor is one of the best ones for the users buying the desktop to play high-resolution heavy video games. If we compare i5 vs i7 gaming, then surely i7 will beat i5 because it contains more threads and cores that can enhance the performance of gaming.

How to choose between the Core i5 and Core i7 processors?

There are some main things you need to keep in mind before you decide to choose your desired processor. If you are buying a desktop and you care about the performance, then i5 is the best one as has included hyper-threading feature in the latest gen desktops, and it can give you better performance than older-gen i7 processors. Moreover, if you are a gaming freak and you need the best results then i7 is for you as it provides the best results with an amazing cooling system. You can enjoy the perks of the best 3D video editing in a thin lightweight i7 processor CPU.


What is the difference between i5 and i7?

The main difference between i5 and i7 processors is hyper-threading. You can only find the hyper-threading feature in i7 laptops, whereas when it comes to desktops, hyper-threading is included in both processors.

Is i7 better than i5 laptop?

I7 processors provide you a higher clock speed of up to 3.6 GHz whereas i5 laptops only achieve a 3.4 GHz speed. The i7 laptops provide multithreading technology that makes the operating system thinks that it more cores and this feature lacks in i5 laptops.

How much faster is the i7 than i5?

I7 processor is faster with the speed of 3.6 GHz with Max turbo whereas the i5 processor’s clock speed is just 3.5 GHz. Moreover, the cache size of the i7 processor is 12 MB as compared to the i5 processor of 8 MB.

Is it worth upgrading from i5 to i7?

It isn’t necessary to upgrade if you have the hyperthreading feature activated in your i5 processor. As you’ll have to spend almost double money to switch from i5 to i7 and probably you’ll need to buy a new motherboard too and you’ll still have the same configurations and same quad-core processor.


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