How To Delete A Page In Word


We all use Microsoft Office for one reason or the other. Microsoft Office has made our lives easier than ever with its reliability, ease of access, and access to a number of tools. One can perform his desired task with the help of these tools.

Microsoft office offers us different applications each for a different purpose. These applications range from Word to Publisher. The most common applications among these are Word, Excel, and to a lesser extent, PowerPoint.

Specifically referring to Microsoft Word, we are pretty sure that most of you have used this application in your lives at various times. But, have you ever pondered whether you are familiar with all its tools and specifications? Microsoft has a number of tools and most of us are not aware of all of them. These tools and shortcuts make our lives easier by offering us ease of access to different functionalities.

As the topic is specifically about how to delete a page in Microsoft Word, you might be surprised to know that there are ways other than the backspace key to delete a page in Word. This will not only save you a lot of time but also give your backspace key a little rest.

There are two ways to delete a page in Microsoft Word. We will discuss each method for Windows and Mac separately.

How to Delete a Page in Word on Windows

You might be thinking that we are revealing a shortcut key for deleting a page in Windows. Here you are going to be a little disappointed, however, you are going to witness a simple method of deleting a page that is not as easy as using a shortcut key, but will be fruitful compared to using you backspace key.

Let’s divide the process into simple and easy steps:


Search the Find button under the Home tab. Click on the Find drop-down button. You will see Go option there. Simply click it and a Find and Replace box will pop out. You can also click on Ctrl+G to open the Find and Replace box.


Make sure that Page is selected under the Go to what option. Once confirmed or selected, enter the page number, under the Enter page number, an option you want to delete. If you have forgotten the exact page number, but know how many pages up or down the page is from the current page, you can jump on that page by including + or -. For example, you are on page number 2 the page you want to delete is 3 pages down. In this case you will enter +3.


Once you are on the required page, write “\page” under the Enter page number option. By doing this all the content on the page will be selected.


Once all the content on that page is selected, you know what you have to do next. You will just press the Backspace or Delete key from your keyboard and the whole page will be deleted.

How to Delete a Blank Page in Word on Windows

Suppose you are writing an assignment or preparing a report, you are short o time and have finished the work before the deadline ends. In this situation, you are prone to making a lot of mistakes in your document. One mistake may be creating blank pages or using page breaks unnecessarily.

In this section, we will learn how to delete those blank pages or to remove page breaks. But here, we are going to use a different technique. We are going to use Navigation Pane’s Thumbnails. This process allows you to skim through your pages and with the blink of an eye search out those blank pages and remove them instantly.

Let’s jump into the process:


Simply go to the View tab and check the Navigation Pane option. You can also press Ctrl+F. By doing this a window will open on the left side of the screen. This window is called Navigation Pane, and it has three tabs: Headings, Pages, and Results. You will have to select the Pages tab.


You will see all the pages of your document in the form of thumbnails under the Pages tab. The next task is scrolling through the pages. By doing so you will easily find out the blank pages in your document. Click on the blank page and you will be directed to the start of that page.


After you are on your desired page click on the Paragraph Mark under the Home tab, or simply press Ctrl+Shift+8. This will show the paragraph parks on your document. If there is blank space, press the Backspace button or use the Delete button and delete that blank page.

If there is a Page break, just select the Page break option and delete that unwanted space in the same way.

How to Delete a Page on Word in Mac

Deleting a page in Mac is quite similar to deleting a page in Windows, however, there are some prominent differences that you need to know before applying the tricks in Word on your Mac.

Let’s dive into the process:


Search for the Edit tab in Word on your Mac. Under the Edit tab, go to Find, and then click on Go to option. You can also simply press Fn+Cmd+G. This will open the Find and Replace tab on your screen.


Make sure you are on the Page option under the “Go to what:” option. Enter the page number to jump to the page you want to delete and click Go to the button. If you don’t remember the page number but want to jump through a certain number of pages, you can also use +, or – to jump to the page you want to delete. For example, you are currently on page number 3 and you want to jump two pages down. Simply enter +2 and click Go to button and you will be on your desired page.


Once you are on your desired page, simply write “\page” under the Enter page number option and click Go to. This will select the whole content on the page.


This step is the simplest of all. You will just have to simply press Backspace or Delete bottom to delete the whole page.

How to Delete a Blank Page on Word in Mac

If you have created too much mess on your document just because you had to complete your assignment or your report before the deadline ends, don’t worry. You might have created a lot of blank pages or Page breaks in your documents unnecessarily out of ignorance, but there is a solution to delete these blank pages and unwanted Page breaks.

There is a Navigation Pane option in your Microsoft word, under which you can view all the pages in the form of thumbnails. Scrolling through these thumbnails will make it easier for you to skim through them and instantly find empty pages or unnecessary page breaks.


Check the Navigation Pane option under the View tab on your Microsoft Word. Checking the Navigation Pane will open a side window on the left side of your screen.

After the Navigation Pane is opened, click on the Thumbnails Pane to show the pages in the form of thumbnails.


Now scroll through these thumbnails and search out for the blank pages. Once you found your desired page, click on it and you will be directed to the start of it.


Now you are on your desired page. Press Cmd+8 and paragraph marks will be shown on the screen. If there is an empty space between the lines or there is a page break that you did not want to be there, you can simply select those paragraph marks or the page break and press the Delete or Backspace button.


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