TZ Professional features list

TZ Professional software

TZ Professional software’s WASSP Multi-Beam Module via Ethernet to this Multi-Beam Sonar device. Enabling strong integration capabilities that virtually paint the seabed underneath your vessel with thousands of “pings” per second distributed over hundreds of beams. Feature list of TZ Professional.

Variety of Furuno sounders:

Furuno fishfinders DFF1, DFF3, FCV1150, and DFF1-UHD may all be shown and controlled using the Optional Sounder module, which can be linked directly to the echo sounder or via Furuno NavNet equipment.

Integrating a Professional WASSP:

This Multi-Beam Sonar can be connected to your computer via Ethernet using the WASSP Multiband Module and the PBG Module in your TZ Professional software, allowing you to take advantage of the software’s powerful integration features to paint the seafloor underneath your craft with millions of “pings” per second distributed over hundreds of

Adding Modules to Your Navigation:

Discover the ocean’s depths like never before by detecting what’s around you. Modules intended for both maritime professionals and recreational boaters may be found.

The broader system, a module is a subsystem:

The module is essentially a feature-unlocking plug-in. TIMEZERO’s module system makes it simple to add and remove components. Modules enhance the program by introducing new capabilities, such as better navigation or tools for managing hardware and people.

AIS’s Newest Functions:

AIS setup may be difficult at times. Now that we’ve got our new AIS module, you can configure everything right there in TZ Professional itself. Additionally, TZ Professional now supports receiving and sending AIS text messages. This technology will make it easier to communicate with all AIS-equipped vessels, and it will be free and unique for any boat to use.

Protective Cones:

The new security cone complies with IMO regulations and is required by law. An anti-grounding alert will automatically activate if an obstruction is identified within the cone in front of the boat’s trajectory.

Following is TZ Professional features list:

Compatibility with PC operating systems 8.1 and 10

Connecting the autopilot’s output

Professional User Interface for Advanced Devices

A user-friendly interface that is compatible with touch screens

NavData’s “Quick Action” feature lets you assign any set of actions to a certain button.

Charts for S57 should be imported (NOAA ENC)

Tide Charts from Around the Globe

Checking the Safety of the Route Planning

The Alarm Was Set Because A Sensor Was Missing

Route Printing Functionality

Boundaries, trails, and markings may go on forever.

Layer and Marks Management

Event Planning with a Focus on the Future

Decca and Loran C grids

Find any place in the world by its name using Google Maps

Photo Import with Automatic Relocation from Your Camera

Animation of the Weather, Tides, and Currents

NavData for the Alert Zone (know at any time the closest alarm zone)

Ownership Ship and Target Alarm Zones

Graphic CPA for AIS and MARPA

Recording for a Specific Track

Auto-Target Tracking System

Management of the Advanced AIS System (Target Activation)

Compatibility with AIS marine traffic (Global AIS feed through an Internet connection)

DSC (Digital Selective Calling) and MOB (MOB)

Support for AXIS IP Cameras and Video Converters

Integrated FLIR Thermal Imaging Camera

Network Camera with H.264 Video Capture Generic

Virtual Reality Augmented

Extended mode for dual or triple monitors

3D bathymetry in high resolution


Navigation, forecasting, and fishing are all bundled together in TZ Professional. Professional sailors need TZ Professional software to meet their navigational demands and standards. TIMEZERO’s software has two primary goals: supreme control and exceptional performance.


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