8 Things To Know When You Start Blogging


“I think I’m not a good blogger. It’s been months now and I have nothing to show. Forget the thousands of visitors, I did not even get fifty a day. ” I do not know how you do it but I’m not sure that I should spend more time blogging. I do not think with my blog it will. ” I read an email I received from a friend last month. My friend was really upset. He should not think like that. He thought blogging would be easy. Write some content and do some promotion, and visitors come like a bee swarm to the blog. But then he faced the harsh reality: SEO, organic search, social networks, subscribers, and so on. He tried all the tricks, but in vain (because one can only see the results in the long term). No organic traffic, who shares its content: blogging is so hard!

When the situation became difficult, all motivation has been lost. Doubts began to show: my blog can he really do it? Do I have to not give up?

This is the trap that falls most bloggers. They give up easily. Without knowing they were so close to their goal. In this article, I’ll show you how perseverance can be your greatest strength and why you should not give up. Let me assure you that the first months of starting the blog are the hardest. This is the thing that every blogger must face: no exception. Bloggers’ property set are those who dare to face the challenges even in difficult times. They were persistent. Here are the reasons why you should be persistent in your blogging adventure.

Things To Know When You Start Blogging

1 – Although the rank in Google takes time

One of the misconceptions held by new bloggers is that once the production of content, traffic will begin to flow in the search engines.


It takes some time before your articles start to rank well in the search engines. Whatever SEO work you do and if your content is great, it will take time to get good SERPs. A new area has little authority, which makes it incredibly hard to get traffic from search engines.

But that may change if you are persistent enough. Gradually, as you continue to blog, people will come to know your blog from other sources(with blog comments, for example. Finally, you will get backlinks (links pointing to your site). Backlinks in back, improve your domain authority.

Once your main domain is “recognized as having the value” by the search engines, your pages will begin to rank well well. That simple. For this to happen, you should continue blogging. You can not be demoralized and stop blogging after a few months. Once your domain gets some quality backlinks, you can expect that all your pages rank a little better in the search engines.

(Tips: Try writing articles invited to get a good amount of quality backlinks)

Of course, there are exceptions. Even a new blog can get some organic traffic if the keywords are not competitive enough. But chances are that if your target keywords are not competitive enough, the search engine traffic volumes will also be very low.

Therefore, it is not reasonable to expect traffic from search engines in your early days.

2 – Users tend to trust the old site

During the first days of a blog, user engagement is not too good. People probably make some comments on your blog. Even if you have good content, users can not share your articles with the same enthusiasm as popular blogs. If your work does not get the appreciation it deserves, it can demoralize you. But do not be discouraged.

Think about it a moment.

If you had to choose a lawyer, what would you choose? A new lawyer who is just starting or a famous lawyer with a proven track record. Obviously, most people will go to someone with a proven track record. Because it gives them confidence.

It’s the same here. It is human psychology.

But this does not mean that a new lawyer will have no success. You must show your quality through steady work and gradually you will be appreciated. You just take your chances when it comes to you.

Now why you should continue blogging is because people tend to associate with longevity reliability. If you have a new website with few pages of content, “the note of trust” your visitors will fall.

The more you continue to write, the better your content on your blog. After a moment, when a visitor arrives on your blog, it will say, “Well, this / that girl’s been here for a while now. He wrote so much. There has to know its field.”

Because your blog existed for some time and there is a lot of content, this will create a positive impression in the reader’s head. Only to get there, we must continue to blog and write more.

3 – You need time to learn and gain experience

Blogging is not that of writing. And those who want to have a professional blog should know that it is a multifaceted work. Yes, writing skills are a prerequisite. But you need to know to promote your blog. You must know how search engines work and how to get organic traffic.

And the list continues.

Although it is not so difficult, there is a considerable amount of things you need to learn. It takes time to understand the nuances of blogging. More importantly, you need immediate knowledge. Gradually, as you continue to blog, you gain experience. You will understand what works for your blog and what does not. You will identify many mistakes you made and then will correct them. These things can not be learned with just a bit of reading.

For example, when I started 2-3 years ago I took the time to put myself on the social network. It was a big mistake. At that time, I always had the habit of getting traffic from search engines like Google algorithms were no too strict. But today, you can not ignore social networks.

You have to learn these things – how to get more followers, how to get a guest post, how to get targeted traffic. The last argument is: Rather than thinking of giving up, you should have a desire to learn new things and improve. If you do not get traffic, you should ask yourself “There-there are some techniques that I have no knowledge of? “Try to orient towards productive things during this period lasts.

4 – You need time to create content

The cornerstone of blogging is good content. If you do not have something useful to share, then there is no point to do something else. Create incredibly practical and useful things. Take your time but produce quality. You must create content for your blog as well as for guest items. You must also write content for your books or free digital guides. Achieving this will take time. Rather than give up, spend your time creating quality content.

It always pays.

5 -You will have a hearing to talk

I know how difficult it is to keep writing when there is nobody to read your articles! Each blogger faces it … It’s like trying to drink through a straw when your glass is empty! But think about it. If you set up a newsletter, within a year, you will surely have at least 100 subscribers (even if you do it very badly). This means that you will have a hearing to talk to. Real people want to hear.

You can even ask your mail subscribers what they want to learn about a specific topic. This will motivate me to continue blogging. Only, you must not lose hope when you blog in the beginning. You must pass this difficult stage. That cannot stop you.

6 – It will take time to create connections

As in real life, you need friends in the internet world also. You have to build connections with the right people. For a newcomer, it is not the easiest task.

Why a popular blogger would connect with a great beginner? Will there be time for that?

This is why it takes time to create connections. You must begin to interact with people on social networks and try to answer their questions. Become a regular commentator and say thank you in a casual email also helps. But it is a gradual process. You can not just send a mail and you expect them to respond. Gradually, you will get to know more people and your network grows.

7 -You are more likely to have a stroke of luck

Almost every popular blogger this stroke of luck one time or another. This comes as a bit of the help of persons within their niche. This can be a guest post published occasionally on a blog authority. This can be backlinks from a popular blog. This is your chance to show your value. Smart bloggers seize these opportunities. To get your stroke of luck, you need to get noticed influential people in the first place. If you give up too soon, you simply reduce your chances of being noticed.

If you leave with only 10 articles on your blog, there is little chance that popular bloggers see your blog and can talk then. So it is very important to maintain your quality of writing and continue blogging. Sooner or later someone will notice you and you will get your “stroke of luck”.

8 – You’re wasting your time if you keep jumping from one subject to another

Last but not least, you must always remember that perseverance is the key to being successful, and that, in any area of ​​life. If you continue to jump from one subject to another (unrelated), you’ll master it. Unless you’re not focused, the only thing you will succeed in doing is wasting precious time.

Let me give an example seen.

There he was – someone you admire?

I can assure you one thing in relation to that person. This person is focused on his goal. No matter what the person does, he/she has spent considerable time learning and perfecting himself in his work. Think of your favourite sports, think of your favourite politician, think of your favourite businessman. All these people have shown persistence and perseverance. If they had frequently changed jobs, they would not have been at the Top.


Do not waste your time.

If you have started blogging, continue. Devote your time to learn and master it all. There are a lot of people leaving good things about blogging. Take inspiration from them and continue blogging. Surely you will succeed.

Tell me something. Have you ever felt like giving up? 

Please let me know in the comments below.


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