Best Fallout New Vegas Mods

Best Fallout New Vegas Mods

Fallout New Vegas Mods:

The Game itself has been here for some time, but because of the mods and the enhancements to the Game driven by community and players, you can still enjoy the game further. Just like our previous article on Fallout 2 Mods, we will give you a complete guide to Fallout New Vegas Mods in this article. So, let’s get started.

New Vegas Mods:

The Mods are Divided into two Categories like;

  • Graphics
  • Gameplay

Graphics Fallout New Vegas Mods:

  • Impact Mode:

New Vegas has been around for some time, and unlike the Pubg Mobile, which we discussed, this Game lacks the impact elements of shooting. There are several problems in the Feedback of guns that the gamers hate.

Now, there is a mode called the Impact Mode, which changes the whole impact effect of the bullets when they hit different surfaces and different materials. With this Mode enabled, your Game will show the bullet holes and the particle effects. The Mode further enhances up to the weapons, like with different caliber, the size of the space will increase or decrease. Even the shells of the guns are different from one another, which is excellent for gamers.

  • Oxide ENB:

Well, when we talk about gaming in 2020, it is hard even to consider that colorless and texture-less graphics of games like New Vegas. The grass and the environment were not too good to look at, especially when you compare those graphics with today.

This is where the Oxide ENB Mod comes in, which will add a whole new atmosphere in the Game with changes in color and gives a more intense look to the Game. To be honest, the Game itself turns into a Wasteland, that does not need excitement.

There are even more clouds, weather, and not to consider a whole new lighting system. All this combines into one can make it one of the best Mods for Graphics. You can also further enhance the Game by using different mods in this Mode.

  • FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting:

    FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting
    FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting

When people say lighting is the essential thing in graphics, they aren’t messing around because the lighting is the main element in graphics enhancement. The Game itself has many lighting issues, and not to mention this game doesn’t give you the true light.

That is why you can use the Realistic Wasteland Lighting by FNV to adjust the Sunlight intensity automatically and then add a bit of weather on the top to create a more photorealistic effect. Moreover, the Game is turned into the Mojave Desert, and you can feel it!

  • The ENB of the Apocalypse:

Well, who doesn’t want to create some perfect photo-realism effects in the Game with some subtle changes to the environment that turns the Game into an Apocalyptic event? This Mod does it all, with some noticeable changes to the environment and creating a photo-realism effect.

  • Fallout NV:

    fallout Nevada
    fallout Nevada

Well, you might be wondering about the name. But this is not what we are here to talk about; this Mod is considered one of the best mods for Fallout when it comes to the color changes. Originally the Fallout 3 had this Mod that turned its colorless green shades into a much Sharpe and desert-like feel by bringing a bit of hot tone to it.

This is what this Mod is all about; it gives New Vegas a more realistic and intense look by bringing Orange shade. There is more warmth to the Game, which is similar to the desert or the tone of the Game. Altogether the whole Game and especially the desert turns into a much more realistic looking place. 

  • HQ Dust Storm FX:

Fallout New Vegas is all about the Wasteland and the dusty look; that is why this Game happens to have a period of time where dust storms arrive, but to be honest, that period is taken as only a fog which lets you close your eyes and unsee it.

This is where the HQ Dust Storm FX comes in, which brings a crazy and realistic dust storm into the Game. The clouds which were heavy and whipped up by sand, are now converted into much more realistic dust storm clouds having that nightmare like feels to it. 

Gameplay Fallout New Vegas Mods:

Weapons of the New Millenia
Weapons of the New Millenia
  • Weapons of the New Millenia:

Fallout New Vegas is all about the gaming experience and gun tactics. It feels a bit strange now to see those old and texture-less guns in-game that take away the gaming experience.

The Weapons of New Millenia is a mod in New Vegas that will bring 45 new guns. These guns are not the typical New Vegas-style guns but rather guns that have Textures and high definition models. These guns are taken from most famous fps games like the Call of Duty and even the ARMA; that is why they will surely bring you the optimal gun experience in-game.

New Vegas Enhanced Camera:

New Vegas Enhanced Camera
New Vegas Enhanced Camera

If you have been playing New Vegas for a while, then you might have figured that the camera of New Vegas feels disturbing to the gameplay and the player perspective. The camera is always in the way through those bulging eyes that are floating. The most common solution to this person found was that they converted the camera to the third person, which makes the game even harder.

This is where the New Vegas Enhanced Camera comes in, from this Mod your player perspective or so-called camera will be corrected, and you will feel as if the camera is through a real physical body. This makes the game a whole lot of fun to play.

  • Titan Fallout:

Who doesn’t want giant and mighty robots? Everyone wants them nowadays in-game, that is why people love to play Titanfall. A mode by the name Titan fallout is there for you to add robots in-game that are mighty in size, and just like a titan dropout, they come from the air and then stomp at the ground for you to ride them your self.

The Robot also has a mighty and intense machine gun with it; you can use it to simply kill anyone in your way without you having to take any damage to your self. The titan will take all the damage for you.

fallout mods Project Nevada
fallout mods Project Nevada
  • Project Nevada:

Project Nevada is a significant enhancement to the gameplay of Fallout New Vegas. This Mod is designed by the team that has been making the Fallout 3 Wanderers edition of the Game. This Mod for Fallout 3 is also considered as the essential Mod out there.

The project Nevada is made to enhance the gameplay of the Game and make it more challenging. You can also choose different gameplay changes you want in the game mod, but you can also install them as a whole.

The Mod will work around the core of the Game and stuff like health, bullet time, and even the vision. There is a Cyberware which will give you a bionic enhancement. There is Rebalance, which will change the RPG system of the Game itself, and at last, there is Equipment, which will add up new usable Equipment to the Game itself for you to use.

Best Fallout New Vegas Mods:

The best mods usually fall on your priority and sense of the Game. Some mods are very famous for their enhancement to the Game while there are some which are essential to have for either the mod installation or correcting the Game itself. So, let’s deal with these types of mods;

Best New Vegas Mods:

  • New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE):

The script extender is a mod in New Vegas that is made for you to have more and much larger mods. Not to mention some mods are very complex, and this script extender will help you install those. The NVSE is called as a technical mod that is used by the Modder’s to enhance the game mods. This is one of its kind and earns to be the top Mod for New Vegas.

  • New Vegas Anti Crash (NVAC):

New Vegas contains many buds and crashes, which are very feared by gamers. That is why the NVAC was made to reduce those crashes and generally to eliminate the most common ones. You can figure out what the name has to do with the functionality.

  • FNV 4 GB Patcher:

Fallout New Vegas has many stability issues, and with this Mod, you can stable the Game by providing more memory and reducing script lag of the Game. Ultimately the crashes of the Game will also be reduced due to memory allocation.

You can use both the NVAC and the FNV 4FB Patcher to make the Game more stable and eliminate the crashes ultimately.

  • NMC Texture Pack:

Texture Pack is one of the essential things you need to have in New Vegas. The ultimate Texture Pack for the New Vegas hits the perfect balance spot when we talk about easy installation and up-gradation to the Game. You will have the best texture of the Game in a single mod with some graphics overhauling and some replacing of old texture.

  • Essential Visual Enhancements (EVE):

This Mod deals with the Weapon Effects like the texture, bullet impacts, lasers, explosion textures, goo piles on the kill, and even the ash, etc. This Mod will also deal with the changes in character reaction whenever he is shot.

  • Fallout Character Overhaul (FCO):

The characters of the New Vegas are terrifying to look at due to bad graphics and modding. This Mod will zoom the characters a bit and then will do overhauling on them for better graphics.

  • Project Nevada:

Project Nevada changes the whole Game and adds challenges to it. You can customize the game mod itself, like choosing the one that suits your choice. The Mod will work around the core of the Game and stuff like health, bullet time, and even the vision.

There are other Projects like;

  • New California, which includes a whole new gameplay campaign with a separate storyline.
  • A Tale of Two Wastelands, which brings the series from Fallout 3 to New Vegas with some enhancements like the gameplay of Fallout 3 and the mechanics of New Vegas.
  • The Some Guy Series:

This is considered as a master mod and will add quests and mods for companion made by the someguy2000. All the stuff is in detail and has been given voice over.

  • New Vegas Uncut:

This is a collection type mod that adds the stuff in-game, which was meant to be added but was then eliminated from the Game like quests, characters, storylines, items, loading screen, etc. You can consider this a canon content for the Game. 

Fallout New Vegas mods Steam
Fallout New Vegas mods Steam

Fallout New Vegas mods Steam:

You can use the Steam client or Workshop to install the Mods in the Game like the Mount and Blade, which we discussed. You can play the Game from steam directly but need mod management from other clients like;

  • NVSE:

NVSE is an extender type mod that adds script in New Vegas and is made for you to have more and much larger mods.

  • FNV4GB:

This will make a lot more memory of the Game so that there is no instability when the Game has many mods.

  • NMM/Vortex:

Nexus Mode Manager is also a famous mod installer or manager, which is being replaced by the Vortex. This will do all the stuff automatically, and you will have to do nothing except chose your favorite one.

How to install Fallout New Vegas Mods?

Installing the mods for Fallout New Vegas is very easy. If you want to do so then follow the steps provided below;

  • Place the download mod file in the Folder named Data of Fallout New Vegas installation. If there is steam, then you can place it to C:\Program Files then into Steam\steamapps\Common and at last locate Fallout New Vegas\Data.
  • When the overwriting box appears, press OK.

In case you want to install more mods, then managing then will be hard, for that reason you should install Fallout Mod Manager. This will let you uninstall and then install the mods of your choice.

  • Install the Fallout Mod Manager
  • Use it to create a folder with the name Fallout New Vegas mods or similar.
  • Extract the .zip file that has Mod and then place it into the Fallout New Vegas mods Folder.
  • In Manger, you should open Package Manager; then, a new window will appear with the label of Add FOMod.
  • Open it and then locate the mod folder, then select the Mod to be installed.
  • Ticking and Unticking the Mod in the Package Manager Window will enable and disable the Mod.


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